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STR912 RTOS port GCC problems

Posted by tipi on April 24, 2008
I am using str912 IAR web server rtosdemo as a base for my project.I see my tasks running but uip task never gets initialized ..the rest of the tasks seem to be running. Is there is anything i need to do extra for it to run?

RE: STR912 RTOS port GCC problems

Posted by Richard on April 24, 2008
The uIP task uses more stack. Is it possible it never gets created because there is not enough heap to create the task stack. Can you step into the creation of the task to see what happens?


RE: STR912 RTOS port GCC problems

Posted by tipi on April 25, 2008
Actually The problem seems to be the board resetting .A task gets created and somewhere in the middle it resets and starts all over again.I am wondering if i made some mistake in the vectors.I am using exclipse and WINARM GCC.In vectors i have
SWI_ADDR .word vportYeildProcessor
portSAVE context and portRestore context and IRQ handler are all in vectors.s.I have disabled watchdog and using timer2 for ticks.

Any help would be appreciated..thanks.

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