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FreeRTOS+TCP example build error with Zynq SDK2016.4 + MicroZed HW platform

Posted by kenchang1 on April 20, 2017

Hi, When I try to build the +TCP example project for the Zynq (MicroZed BSP), I am getting this error: "The Hardware Project referenced by this BSP (RTOSDemobsp) was not found in this workspace. As a result, this BSP will not build properly. To fix this error, please import the associated hardware project or recreate a new BSP targeting an existing hardware platform." I am using SDK 2016.4 and I did not include the ZC702hwplatform project. When I do include this HW project, there are no error messages. I have followed these instructions: http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOSPlusTCP/TCPIPFATExamplesXilinxZynq.html besides that I have included the MicroZedhwplatform and excluded the ZC702hwplatform project. Should I change a setting in the RTOSDemobsp project and recreate the BSP? I do see a generated elf binary, and it seems to run on the board. Can I ignore the error message above? regards, Ken

FreeRTOS+TCP example build error with Zynq SDK2016.4 + MicroZed HW platform

Posted by rtel on April 20, 2017

I think this relates to changes in the SDK versions. The demos don't use anything outside of the MAC (which is the same on both hardware platforms) the SD card slot (which I'm assuming is the same on both platforms, especially as you say it is working), and a few LEDs (which no doubt are different on the two platforms). So if you see everything working other than the LEDs then I would suggest you just go with what is working for you - you can probably adjust the LED pin mapping yourself with a little help from the MicroZed hardware manual.

FreeRTOS+TCP example build error with Zynq SDK2016.4 + MicroZed HW platform

Posted by heinbali01 on April 20, 2017

Not sure if it helps, but I made a picture of a working Zynq project here Please check and compare every little detail in the picture. When you start using a Xilinx demo, make sure that you import all available projects, also the "standalonebsp0", or so.

FreeRTOS+TCP example build error with Zynq SDK2016.4 + MicroZed HW platform

Posted by kenchang1 on April 21, 2017

I think the MicroZedhwplatform project is missing a .hdf file. The ZC702hwplatform project does have this system.hdf file (Zip file) containing all HW description files.

FreeRTOS+TCP example build error with Zynq SDK2016.4 + MicroZed HW platform

Posted by kenchang1 on April 21, 2017

OK, I have found the solution. It seems that the default BSP in the example called RTOSDemobsp is hardwired to ZC702hwplatform. I was not able to change this in the SDK. I can hack into the .sdkproject file, but I don't want to do that. So, the solution is to create a new bsp project and link that to MicroZedhw_platform. After that RTOSDemo project has to be linked to the newly created bsp project.

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