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mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by bamos-cic on April 27, 2017


I've recently noticed some issues in my projects where mutex's no longer seemed to provide mutual exclusion?

I created a small test application with two tasks that exemplifies the issue i'm seeing. This is running with freeRTOS 9.0.0



VirtualSerialPort serial(0); static void HighPriorityTask( void* Params); static void LowPriorityTask( void* Params);

xSemaphoreHandle mutexPtr = NULL;

int main(void) { SystemClock_Config(); serial.Init();

mutexPtr = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

if(mutexPtr == NULL)


if (xTaskCreate( HighPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "HPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	
	if(xTaskCreate( LowPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "LPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	

while (1);//shouldn't get here }

static void HighPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32_t temp = 0;

	printf("HPT\t mutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
		printf("HPT\t sleeping for %i ms\n", sleepTime);
		printf("HPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n");
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
			printf("HPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
			printf("HPT\t sleeping for %i ms\n", sleepTime);
			for(int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
				temp += i;
			if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE)
				printf("HPT\t mutex given\n");
				printf("HPT\t mutex give failed\n");
			printf("HPT\t mutex take failed!\n");
	printf("HPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec\n");


static void LowPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32t temp = 0; uint32t num;

	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\tmutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	vTaskDelay(rand() %500);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n");
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t sleeping for %i ms\n", sleepTime);

			if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE)
				printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex given\n");
				printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex give failed\n");
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex take failed!\n");
	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec\n");



Here's an example of some output, with the problematic section in bold.

HPT mutex addr 0x20021e50 HPT sleeping for 432 ms HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 5 ms HPT mutex given HPT sleeping for 490 ms HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 29 ms HPT mutex given HPT sleeping for 104 ms HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 492 ms HPT mutex given HPT sleeping for 497 ms LPT mutex addr 0x20021e50 HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 172 ms LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex given HPT sleeping for 235 ms LPT mutex taken LPT sleeping for 268 ms HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 341 ms LPT mutex given LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex given HPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec LPT mutex taken LPT sleeping for 476 ms HPT mutex addr 0x20021e50 HPT sleeping for 258 ms HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex taken HPT sleeping for 489 ms LPT mutex given LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely HPT mutex given HPT sleeping for 451 ms

Am I making an incorrected assumption or setting/using something incorrectly? I'm guessing there's a stupid mistake in there somewhere that I'm not seeing.

This is on a Cortex M7 port compiled with Keil (RVDS).

Any suggestions are greately appriciated.


mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by rtel on April 27, 2017

How is your printf() writing its output? Is it possible some print() statements are missing (and do you need mutual exclusion on the printf() too?)?

Which port are you using? If your Cortex-M7 has an r0p1 core then you need to use the port layer in the FreeRTOS/source/portable/RVDS/ARMCM7/r0p1 directory to work around a silicon errata, otherwise you need to use the code in the FreeRTOS/source/portable/RVDS/ARMCM4F directory.

mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by bamos-cic on April 27, 2017

I've tried both the r0p1 port and ARM_CM4F port with identical results

printf does single byte transfers through fputc, which gets forwarded to a ring buffer (which is thread-safe) and eventually out to a USB stack. It's possible for two different strings characters to be interleaved with one another, but there won't be any dropped data. I'll hook up two different LED's to eliminate printf as a possible culprit.

mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by bamos-cic on April 27, 2017

Here's updated code with LED calls inside the area expected to be protected by the mutex. I would expect only one LED to be on at a time, but occassionally both LED's are on at the same time.



VirtualSerialPort serial(0); static void HighPriorityTask( void* Params); static void LowPriorityTask( void* Params);

gpio led1(GPIOJ, gpio::PIN0, true); gpio led2(GPIOJ, gpio::PIN1, true);

xSemaphoreHandle mutexPtr = NULL;

int main(void) { InitMCU(false); SystemClock_Config(); serial.Init();

mutexPtr = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

if(mutexPtr == NULL)


if (xTaskCreate( HighPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "HPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	
	if(xTaskCreate( LowPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "LPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	

while (1);//shouldn't get here }

void HighPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32_t temp = 0;


	printf("HPT\t mutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
		printf("HPT\t sleeping for %i ms\n", sleepTime);
		printf("HPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n");
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
			printf("HPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
			printf("HPT\t working for %i\n", sleepTime);
			for(int w = 0; w < sleepTime*100000; w++)
				temp += w;

// printf("HPTt sleeping for %i msn", sleepTime); // vTaskDelay(sleepTime); if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE) { printf("HPTt mutex givenn"); } else { printf("HPTt mutex give failedn"); } } else { printf("HPTt mutex take failed!n"); } } printf("HPT DONE, sleep for 2 secn"); vTaskDelay(100); } }

void LowPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32t temp = 0; uint32t num;


	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\tmutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	vTaskDelay(rand() %500);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n");
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500;
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t working for %i\n", sleepTime);
			for(int w = 0; w < sleepTime*100000; w++)
				temp += w;

// printf("tttttLPTt sleeping for %i msn", sleepTime); // vTaskDelay(sleepTime);

			if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE)
				printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex given\n");
				printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex give failed\n");
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex take failed!\n");
	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec\n");



mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by bamos-cic on April 27, 2017

It was all instrumentation issues - in the code above, the "mutex given" text was written after the mutex had been given (which suggests overlap when viewed on the screen). To add insult to injury, the polarity of the LED's was active low, so they were being turned "off" when each was inside the critical section and on when outside the critical section.

After moving the print outputs to be inside the mutex and correcting for active low LED outputs, everything is showing up as expected for the critical sections.

Here are the code changes for the slim chance that anyone is interested:



VirtualSerialPort serial(0); static void HighPriorityTask( void* Params); static void LowPriorityTask( void* Params);

gpio led1(GPIOJ, gpio::PIN0, true); gpio led2(GPIOJ, gpio::PIN1, true);

xSemaphoreHandle mutexPtr = NULL; StaticSemaphore_t xMutexBuffer;

int main(void) { InitMCU(false); SystemClock_Config(); serial.Init();

mutexPtr = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&xMutexBuffer);

if(mutexPtr == NULL)


uint8_t cBuff[2];
serial.CheckLastByte(cBuff, -1);

if (xTaskCreate( HighPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "HPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	
	if(xTaskCreate( LowPriorityTask, ( const char * ) "LPT", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL ) == pdTRUE)	

while (1);//shouldn't get here }

void HighPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32_t temp = 0;

	printf("HPT\t mutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		printf("HPT itr %i\n", numItr);
		uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500 + 500;
		printf("HPT\t sleeping for %i ms\n", sleepTime);
		uint8_t hptWait[] = "HPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n";
		serial.Output(hptWait, sizeof(hptWait), true);
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)

			printf("HPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500 + 500;
			printf("HPT\t working for %i\n", sleepTime);
			for(int w = 0; w < sleepTime*100000; w++)
				temp += w;
			uint8_t given[] = "HPT\t mutex given\n";
			serial.Output(given, sizeof(given), true);
			if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE)
					uint8_t giveDone[] = "HPT\t give done\n";
					serial.Output(giveDone, sizeof(giveDone), true);
				printf("HPT\t mutex give failed\n");
			printf("HPT\t mutex take failed!\n");
	printf("HPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec\n");


void LowPriorityTask( void* Params) { volatile uint32t temp = 0; uint32t num;

	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\tmutex addr 0x%p\n", mutexPtr);
	vTaskDelay(rand() %500 + 500);
	for(int numItr = 0; numItr < 10; numItr++)
		printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT itr %i\n", numItr);
		uint8_t msg[] = "\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t take mutex, wait indefinitely\n";
		serial.Output(msg, sizeof(msg), true);
		if(xSemaphoreTake(mutexPtr,portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE)
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex taken\n");

			uint32_t sleepTime = rand() %500 + 500;
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t working for %i\n", sleepTime);
			for(int w = 0; w < sleepTime*100000; w++)
				temp += w;

			uint8_t giveMsg[] = "\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t give mutex\n";
			serial.Output(giveMsg, sizeof(giveMsg), true);
			if(xSemaphoreGive(mutexPtr) == pdTRUE)
				uint8_t giveDone[] = "\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t give done\n";
				serial.Output(giveDone, sizeof(giveDone), true);
				printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex give failed\n");
			printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT\t mutex take failed!\n");
	printf("\t\t\t\t\tLPT DONE, sleep for 2 sec\n");



Some example output looks like this:

HPT mutex addr 0x20020ac0 HPT itr 0 HPT sleeping for 768 ms LPT mutex addr 0x20020ac0 LPT itr 0 LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT mutex taken LPT working for 909 HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT give mutex HPT mutex taken HPT working for 660 HPT mutex given LPT give done HPT give done HPT itr 1 HPT sleeping for 583 ms LPT itr 1 LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT mutex taken LPT working for 741 HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT give mutex HPT mutex taken HPT working for 760 HPT mutex given LPT give done HPT give done HPT itr 2 HPT sleeping for 967 ms LPT itr 2 LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT mutex taken LPT working for 807 HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT give mutex HPT mutex taken HPT working for 764 HPT mutex given LPT give done HPT give done HPT itr 3 HPT sleeping for 648 ms LPT itr 3 LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT mutex taken LPT working for 747 HPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT give mutex HPT mutex taken HPT working for 574 HPT mutex given LPT give done HPT give done HPT itr 4 HPT sleeping for 973 ms LPT itr 4 LPT take mutex, wait indefinitely LPT mutex taken LPT working for 957

At first glance, it looks like "LPT give done" should not show up HPT is running, but this is because calls to serial.Output(x,x,true) are blocking calls that block/sleep the calling thread until that output is fully flushed.

Thanks for the help Real Time Engineers ltd - getting another set of eyes was helpful.

mutex not providing mutal exclusion

Posted by rtel on April 27, 2017

Great - thanks for taking the time to report back.

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