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IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by baranov on August 12, 2011
Hello. I am not really sure that the problem is FreeRtos related.
I have a project with one task consisting only of vTaskDelay(5000);
When I compile the project with medium and high optimization options it works fine. When I switch to low it goes to Hard Fault Interrupt. When I single step, it runs to vPortStartFirstTask() and gets into:

ldrr3, =pxCurrentTCB
ldr r1, [r3]
ldr r0, [r1]
ldmia r0!, {r4-r11}
msr psp, r0
mov r0, #0
msrbasepri, r0
orr r14, r14, #13
bx r14

On exit from it my debugger shows:
Usage fault: Attempt to use a coprocessor instruction!
Of course I tried to vary stack and heap sizes but it did not clarify the situation.
Could anybody give a clue, what did the optimization option change?

RE: IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by Richard on August 14, 2011
I am guessing, and it is just a guess, that you are using a Cortex-M3 device. If so, then IAR V5.x is out of date. Other than that, how is your C start up code written? The symptom you describe can often happen when the start up is written completely in C, and is caused by a loop variable being stored on the stack with zero optimisation (and so getting wiped out by its own initialisation code) compared to the same variable being held in a register at higher optimisation (and so being safe from being wiped out by memory clearing and initialisation code).


RE: IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by baranov on August 15, 2011
Thank you very much!. Yes, it is STM32. I will try IAR 6.10.

RE: IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by baranov on August 15, 2011
IAR 6.10 did not help.
I saw that in "medium" option vPortSVCHandler enters assembler function shown above with
LR = 0xFFFFFFF9, which is correct and in "low" option LR has some other value. In my case it is e.g. 0x800D7FF. I guess, I simply have to use medium optimization.

RE: IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by Dave on August 15, 2011
Can you post the code that initializes the C run time environment. The bit that zeros out the memory, normally in a file called crt0 or cstart or startup, etc.

RE: IAR 5.41 getting to Hard Fault with low opt

Posted by baranov on August 15, 2011
I think, I solved the problem.
I had:

const intvec_elem __vector_table[] =
{ .__ptr = __sfe( "CSTACK" ) },
0, 0, 0, 0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved


void SVCHandler( void )

I replaced it by:

const intvec_elem __vector_table[] =
{ .__ptr = __sfe( "CSTACK" ) },
0, 0, 0, 0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved

It eliminated call from SVCHandler and now it works with low optimization too.
Any comments including scornful will be highly appreciated.

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