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Licensing for port

Posted by fakeless on August 31, 2012
Hello to everybody,
I'm sorry for this stupid question, but I can't understand if FreeRTOS Open Source License allows you to port the OS to your personal board/system without the need to open sourcing the porting code.
Basically my system is an ARM7 based board, so the port is almost already done by examples/demos. However I need to change some particular registers and things like that I can't put on public or explain to third parties.
Is this allowed or do I need to publish the porting code? I will not change API of the system, but I can't understand if the porting itself is considered a basic mod of the OS.
Can somebody explain me this?


RE: Licensing for port

Posted by Richard on August 31, 2012
It depends on what you do with the resultant code.

If it is purely a hobby thing for your own use, then you are not obliged to publish it.

If you distribute the code in any way (be in as source or in binary form in a product) then technically you should offer to provide the source code too (the code for the kernel, including its port layer, that is - not the code to the application or driver that just use the kernel).


RE: Licensing for port

Posted by fakeless on August 31, 2012
Ok, thank you, I got the point.
My question was exactly about the port layer where I have to change some basic register/stuff.

Thank you once again.

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