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sam3s-ek+gcc(atmel studio 6) example....

Posted by https://www.google.com/accounts on August 30, 2012
I' m trying to get freertos running on my sam3s-ek using atmel studio. This far I only have been partly successful.
What happens is that my applications get serviced only a few times. Then the sw hangs somewhere. The problem is there both during debug and normal execution. Though servicing of the app might work a little longer in debug with breakpoints.
I'm using freertos 7.2.0 and the ARM-CM3 port.

Is there anyone else that have seen such behaviour or have any ideas for a solution?

RE: sam3s-ek+gcc(atmel studio 6) example....

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2012
FreeRTOS V7.2.0 has a project for the SAM4S-EK using Atmel Studio 6 under FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_M4_ATSAM4S_Atmel_Studio. As this part does not have an FPU the project is set up to use the Cortex-M3 FreeRTOS port (rather than the Cortex-M4F port).

If you checkout the latest SVN head revision from SourceForge you will also find SAM3X-EK and SAM3S-EK2 projects, both using Studio 6, in the FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_ATSAM3X_Atmel_Studio and FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_ATSAM3S-EK2_Atmel_Studio directories respectively. You can use the instructions on the SAM4S-EK documentation page to run these demos too (just use the files in the correct directory) http://www.freertos.org/Atmel_SAM4_SAM4S-EK_RTOS_Demo.html


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