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MSP430F5xxx support

Posted by dnadler on August 10, 2014

Hi - This is actually a two part question... Background: I've inherited an MSP430F5437A project that used Rowley Crossworks and FreeRTOS v6.0.2, which includes FreeRTOS "port" components of unknown origins that support the MSP430F5437A variant. We'd like to move to FreeRTOS v8.0.1 and GCC. The only supported port seems to be for the MSP430F449 (Rowley and GCC).

I've not used the MSP430 before, and I'm not familiar with the differences between the F4 and F5 variants. Before I dive in...

  • Any support for the F5 out there?
  • Any idea what differences would need to be coded for a port to support MSP430F5437A?
  • Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance, Best Regards, Dave

MSP430F5xxx support

Posted by rtel on August 11, 2014

Hmm. The GCC port is somewhat historic, and the GCC build available for download has not changed since, so it too is very old. Given than I would not be surprised (although I have not actually checked) if you can't actually use GCC at all for that part - other than if you were going to restrict your application so much that you only used the small code and small data model.

The FreeRTOS port for IAR should be ok, while the FreeRTOS port for CodeComposer (CCS) is known to only work unmodified when CCS4 is used. I'm sure you could make it work with CCS5/6, or find a contributed CCS5/6 demo, but it is not something we would be able to support other than generically.


MSP430F5xxx support

Posted by dnadler on August 11, 2014

I can't find anything that says this GCC port supports large model, and it can't build my project properly in small model (multiple defines in math libraries, object doesn't fit in available flash in first 64kb). Perhaps this GCC is hopeless; I've posted something on TI forum and we'll see if anything useful comes back: http://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/msp430/f/166/t/361064.aspx

Perhaps you can tell me:

What (if any) FreeRTOS ports support large code model on MSP430X?

What (if any) FreeRTOS ports should support F5 variants such as MSP430F5437A (even if only in small model)?

Thanks! Best Regards, Dave

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