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freertos older versions

Posted by hassanbd on August 5, 2014


I am using some codes written in FreeRTOS v7.1.0. I need to build on it, so I tried to upgrade to FreeRTOS v8. But I discovered that the freertos files were modified and it may not be feasible for me to try to upgrade.

If I decide to code using v7.1.0, can I find the documentation for this older version somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

freertos older versions

Posted by rtel on August 5, 2014

As far as I know, by default at least, version 8 is a drop in replacement for version 7, but you can check that on the following two link:

http://www.FreeRTOS.org/History.txt http://www.freertos.org/upgrading-to-FreeRTOS-V8.html

Note the second link mentions configENABLEBACKWARDCOMPATIBILITY - by default this option is set for backward compatibility.

If you are finding that V8 is not a drop in replacement then please let us know the issues you are facing.

Regards, Richard Barry.

freertos older versions

Posted by hassanbd on August 5, 2014


The issue is that the freeRTOS files themselves have been modified to suit the need of the project. To upgrade, I have to include each modifiations to the freertos v8 files.

I am going to stick with the older version. But the issue is to know which API I can use and which ones were later additions.

freertos older versions

Posted by davedoors on August 5, 2014

Event groups are the main new thing. The new API functions have a banner saying they are only available in v8. For example http://www.freertos.org/xEventGroupCreate.html

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