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Crossworks generate a HardFault on Arm simula

Posted by Lucas on December 6, 2011
Dear sirs,

I´m having a problem with Arm simulator on Crossworks 2.1 and Keil running with GCC.

I´m running FreeRTOS 7 and when I run the application on board with J-link connected everything works ok! Run and debug.

But when I use the "Arm Simulator" from crossworks or keil the application goes to HardFault exception.
With Keil, the FreeRtos goes to HardFault using the J-link too. But if I program the LPC and put to run, the board run.

I´m using GCC, and LPC1754.

Have any configuration to do on simulator or any workround?

PS: The new FreeRTOS need modifications to work with new Rowley Cross Studio (2.1). Its says that have a error with duplicate functions sprintf and sfprintf.



RE: Crossworks generate a HardFault on Arm simula

Posted by Richard on December 6, 2011
I like to answer these sort of questions by just posting a link to the relevant page in the Rowley FAQ, but while looking for one, I see you posted the question there too:
so will leave to those guys to answer.


RE: Crossworks generate a HardFault on Arm simula

Posted by Lucas on December 7, 2011
Dear Richard!

Tnks for a reply!

Sorry, but all the tips of the guys of Rowley didn´t resolve my problem.
Any sugestion?

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