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FreeRTOS for Blackfin BF561

Posted by William on December 16, 2011

I'm trying to implement FreeRTOS in BF561core B, I'm close but I have a runtime error that I cannot figuer out. When the scheduler start and try to trigger the first task, the memory pointer get lost and it doesn't start the first stack, instead in start a function inside the first task and get lost when going out of the function.

this is the corresponding debug log:

COREB: handler declared
COREB: Initialise New TCB:NewTCB address: 3d01000
COREB: TopofStask: 0, pxTopOfStack = 3d0263c
COREB: pxTaskCode =3c030dc, pvParameters = 0
COREB: returned pxNewTCB->pxTopOfStack = 3d02588
COREB: Add the idle task at the lowest priority
COREB: Initialise New TCB:NewTCB address: 3d03000
COREB: TopofStask: 0, pxTopOfStack = 3d0431c
COREB: pxTaskCode =3c02698, pvParameters = 0
COREB: returned pxNewTCB->pxTopOfStack = 3d04268
COREB: end Add the idle task at the lowest priority
COREB: if xReturn == 1, and xReturn = 1
COREB: before disable interupt
COREB: after disable interupt
COREB: before xPortStartScheduler
COREB: start xPortStartScheduler fn before set core timer
COREB: after ContextSwitch interupt flag
COREB: before prvSetupTimerInterrupt
COREB: after prvSetupTimerInterupt
COREB: Task Switch context called
COREB: The scheduler is running
COREB: Trace task switchout called
COREB: before Task first check for stack overflow
COREB: Task first check for stack overflow called
COREB: Task second check for stack overflow called
COREB: before call get owner of next entry
COREB: get owner of next entry:
COREB: current TCB 3d01000
COREB: pxReadyTasksLists[ uxTopReadyPriority ] = 1
COREB: TCB content:
COREB: top of stack: 3d02588
COREB: GenericListItem: 0
COREB: Event ListItem: 9
COREB: Priority: 1
COREB: start of stack: 3d02000
COREB: Task Name: BootTas
COREB: TCB number: 0
COREB: Task Tag: 0
COREB: trace switch in
COREB: write trace to buffer
COREB: end of app init
COREB: execption 2b addr ff700be4
COREB: coreb dump stack
COREB: found fp: ff700b64

I've a full discussion on the blackfin forum for more details:


RE: FreeRTOS for Blackfin BF561

Posted by Richard on December 16, 2011
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Blackfin at all, but is this any help as a reference?


RE: FreeRTOS for Blackfin BF561

Posted by William on December 18, 2011

thanks for the link but this is actually the code I used to transfer to BF561 and gcc compiler.

Anyone has any idea how I can resolve this problem? where else could I post the request?



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