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FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 1, 2014

Hello, I am new to FreeRTOS and FatFs so the following might involve some silly mistakes.. In order to get FatFs to work with 2 active tasks I had to wrap its calls with taskENTER_CRITICAL. I was unable to find anyone facing this problem which leads me to think there is a different problem.

Overview: I have 2 Tasks, Process() and SDCardStream() + SPI DMA that streams fills a DBuffer every 100ms.

Process() is in High priority and always takes ~50ms to complete. SDCardStream() is in Normal priority and usually takes ~6ms (but sometimes 80ms, uSD BusyState) to complete.

I MUST complete one Process() task per 100ms tick. The buffer allows me to "miss" an SD write and complete it later, this is why I thought FreeRTOS is the solution.

Problem: If I don't wrap the functions with a critical section I get fatal errors (FRDISKERR, ..).

    res = f_open(&MyFile, filename, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);

If I disable Process() it also works.

If I have a critical section, and the function will take 80ms, Process() won't be called on time (i.e I won't have enough time before the next tick).

** Is this a known issue? ** Is there a way to break FatFs in the "idle" wait periods (e.g. while it waits uSD to get out of busy state) ** Can you suggest a lead / idea?

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by edwards3 on December 1, 2014

Which FAT code are you using? Chan?

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by heinbali01 on December 2, 2014

ChaN and most FS drivers will have some kind of protection.

~~~~~ /* The FSREENTRANT option switches the reentrancy of the FatFs module. / / 0: Disable reentrancy. SYNCt and FSTIMEOUT have no effect. / 1: Enable reentrancy. Also user provided synchronization handlers, / ffreqgrant, ffrelgrant, ffdelsyncobj and ffcresyncobj / function must be added to the project. */ ~~~~~

If you are sure that SDCardStream() is the only user, there is no need for protection at all.

If you have multiple users, you might want to enable FSREENTRANT and provide sync routines. taskENTER_CRITICAL() is too heavy for this type of protection.

But: is your SD-card accessed through SPI? And does that interfere with Process() ?

What else is Process() doing that could disturb access to the SD-card?

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by richard_damon on December 2, 2014

You should not be using taskENTER_CRITICAL to protect something that can take 6ms, let alone 80ms. A mutex is a much better option here, as that will only block the other tasks that try to use the file system. (The code may even support a locking method inside itself which you can connect to such a mutex).

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 2, 2014

Yes, which came with stm32cubef4. I am using the STM3240G_Eval board.

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 2, 2014

Thank Hein, I looked at that flag and it was configured correctly (1).

There is only one user for the SDcard which uses SDIO. SPI is currently not even enabled and I just wanted to test FreeRTOS + FatFs.

Process() is simply a loop.. for (int i = 0; i < 13186; i++) res += sqrt((i*i) / 37);

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 2, 2014

I know I shouldn't use critical section, this is why I posted it as a problem ;)

No on access the file system other than that one task SDCardStream().

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 2, 2014

Some more information, the last few hundred bytes written (value varies) is corrupt! The same code without FreeRTOS works correctly.

I have no idea what can cause this :( I know its borderline rude but I am desperately looking for ideas.. I've attached the code of both projects (with/out FreeRTOS) and some test results.


uSD_RTOS_Test.zip (27329 bytes)

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by heinbali01 on December 3, 2014

Hi Ariel,

You known that if you post code like this, you have to promise something in return? At least a chardonnay, or a home-made crumble apple pie :-)

You're giving configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE to uSDThread(). Disabling interrupts will avoid that the stack will be overwritten, and thus hide the problem.

Especially when opening/closing files, a lot of stack space may be needed.

These ChaN defines influence the stack usage:


define USELFN 2 /* 0 to 3 */
define MAXLFN 128 /* Maximum LFN length to handle (12 to 255) */

/* The USELFN option switches the LFN feature. / / 0: Disable LFN feature. MAXLFN has no effect. / 1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. / 2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK. / 3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP. */ ~~~~~

Tip: use a big stack (>= 1024 words, 4KB), and look at the actual stack usage.

(see http://www.freertos.org/Stacks-and-stack-overflow-checking.html)

PS. defining _FS_REENTRANT is not enough, you'll also have to define ffreqgrant()/ffrelgrant(). You don't need it as long as uSDThread() is the only FS user.

Regards, Hein

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 3, 2014

You rock Hein! (you've earned home-made crumble apple pie by proxy *) Increasing the stack size did fix the inconsistent writing errors!

..YET, still, without the critical section I get FRDISKERR. :/ (only when Process() is active) It can happen after one file or after creating 13 files, but its gonna fail. The files that had been created had been written correctly.

ST did take care of Semaphore everything is defined correctly (pointing to osSemaphore* at cmsis_os.c)

(*, proxy) I am willing to pay! :) I really don't like to cross the vague "wow, that's way too much" line but if I do I am fully willing to pay for the assistance.

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 6, 2014

No one experienced this error? I have no idea how to approach the debugging of such an error.

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by heinbali01 on December 6, 2014

Hi Ariel,

ChaN's error: FRDISKERR

Many developers will have seen this error, but there is not enough information available to say anything about the cause.

ChaN's FS is a great driver, but when it encounters an error, you'll only see a code like: 'FRDISKERR'. This may have 54 different reasons :-)

What I would do is create a new version ff_debug.c with some more logging:

#define ABORT(fs, res) { fp->err = (BYTE)(res); LEAVE_FF(fs, res); }

In ABORT() you could log at least __LINE__.

But FR_DISK_ERR may be thrown in many more cases, like here:

if (nxt == 0xFFFFFFFF) { res = FR_DISK_ERR; break; } /* Disk error? */

Are you sure your SD-card is still 100% sane? It must have got corrupted earlier when you had the stack problems. Did you try this again after formatting the card?

You could also test your low-level SD-card driver: write and read-back many sectors at different locations (after which it'll need formatting again).

Think, think: you're writing that:

without the critical section I get FRDISKERR only when Process() is active

Would the other task ProcessingLoop need more stack, maybe? You also gave it a minimum stack while it does use the math library?

Good luck! Hein

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 6, 2014

Hi Hein, thank you again for helping me out!

To simplify it ThreadProcessing is now reduced to:

static void ThreadProcessing(void const *argument) { for( ;; ) vTaskDelay(1); }

I format the uSD before every run (f_mkfs) and it is able to write several files before it fails (from single digit to hundreds of files, the same code with the same configuration)

After doing many more tests I saw that even running the SDCardStream() task without any other task, it will fail, it just takes more time.

Been tweaking all of the configurations you mentioned and running the test in the same config several times (as it can even complete successfully (1024 files) in one test and then fail after 10 files in another run)

***The same code, with the same driver, works without the RTOS. I ran several tests of 32k files each. I am sure its something trivial that I am missing (like Stack Overflow that you suggested)..

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by heinbali01 on December 7, 2014

Simplification is always good to solve a problem.

When using a single task, everything runs well. When accessing the disk from a FreeRTOS task, you get rare and random errors.

Did you check the Cortex M priorities of all peripheral drivers?

I suppose that your SD-card driver uses interrupts.

Here is all information: http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html

Here's maybe another useful comment:

~~~~~ /* The highest interrupt priority that can be used by any interrupt service routine that makes calls to interrupt safe FreeRTOS API functions. DO NOT CALL INTERRUPT SAFE FREERTOS API FUNCTIONS FROM ANY INTERRUPT THAT HAS A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN THIS! (higher priorities are lower numeric values. */



Regards, Hein

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 7, 2014

Sadly it's defined correctly under HALInit() HALNVICSetPriorityGrouping(NVICPRIORITYGROUP_4);

I'll simplify SDCardStream(), roll up my sleeves and start debugging STM's SDIO.

FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by heinbali01 on December 21, 2014

That's not exactly I was asking for:

Does your project define any interrupt and are the priorities not too high?

Literally: are the priorities used numerically not lower (reverse logic) than the value of: configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ?

Especially, somewhere in 'portable/xx/ARM_CM3/port.c , make sure that these two configASSERT's will do their job:

configASSERT( ucCurrentPriority >= ucMaxSysCallPriority );
configASSERT( ( portAIRCR_REG & portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK ) <= ulMaxPRIGROUPValue );

A second question: Did you define:

void vApplicationTickHook( void );

As you probably know, the freedom to write code inside this call-back function is very limited, because it is called from the Idle task tick interrupt.


FreeRTOS + FatFs : Works only with taskENTER_CRITICAL

Posted by tanffn on December 22, 2014

I've been able to track down the problem to "Transmit FIFO underrun" (in BSPSDWriteBlocks).

Apparently it's a known issue that "Non-DMA mode" results in random underrun errors when writing. In addition trying to resolve it by enabling "HW flow control" results in CRC errors (which are also a know issue and are documented in the errata).

I ended up simply configuring the SDIO driver to use DMA, which works well. (that might lead to another undocumented DMA conflict issue(DMA Maximum Transactions), but thats a problem for another day :))

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