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lwIP BasicWeb block at sys_mbox_fetch(conn->m

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on February 15, 2006

Inside vBasicWebServer(), when it tries to open up a new connection, "pxHTTPListener = netconn_new( NETCONN_TCP );", it tries to call "sys_arch_mbox_fetch(mbox, msg, 0);". Since there is no message in the mbox, it blocks and will not continue to do "netconn_bind()....".

The reason it uses "block" mode to do mbox fetch is because when vBasicWebServer task is created, the timeout structure has a "next" field with value 0.

Is this normal behavior?


RE: lwIP BasicWeb block at sys_mbox_fetch(conn->m

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on February 16, 2006
Most likely, nobody will help me out on this one. However, I'll still give it a try.

It seems that I'm not alone on this issue also. I found some one on the internet had the same issue when he tried to use lwIP's netconn_new(). It blocks on the call.

FreeRTOS used lwIP in one of the samples, i.e., lwIP_demo_Rowley_ARM7 . I'm just wondering did this issue come up when netconn_new() was called? How was it handled? I'm thinking send a fake message to itself before calling netconn_new() so that it will not block.

Thanks for any input.


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