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ARM7 s3c4510 port

Posted by MichaelG on February 6, 2012
How does one port freertos for the s3c4510 arm7 processor?

RE: ARM7 s3c4510 port

Posted by Richard on February 7, 2012
+ Start with an existing ARM7 port for the compiler you are using. Look in FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]

+ Modify the prvSetupTimerInterrupt() function in port.c to use a timer peripheral that is on the s3c4510.

+ Create a blinky project that for the microcontroller that doesn't have FreeRTOS included to get your linker script, start up code and vector table correct.

+ Add in the FreeRTOS code, check it all compiles (you will need a FreeRTOSConfig.h file that you can pinch from another project in a FreeRTOS/Demo sub directory, and have the FreeRTOS/Source/include and FreeRTOS/source/portable/[compiler]/[your port directory] in the include path).

+ Update the vector table to include the yield handler on the SWI interrupt. Look at any of the existing ARM7 FreeRTOS demos to see what is needed.

+ Try adding in some basic tasks and starting the scheduler, see what happens.

Useful links:

http://www.freertos.org/simple-freertos-demos.html for basic tasks
http://www.freertos.org/a00017.html to see the directory structure


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