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support for different PIC32 than in demo

Posted by Maciek on February 12, 2012
PIC32MX360F512L was used in the demo project. Another part PIC32MX795F512L is used in projects from the 'Using the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel PIC32 Edition' book (that I've just purchased).
Is it simple to run the demo projects on some other PIC32 parts (like PIC32MX564F064H for example) ?
And what should be changed ?

Thanks for help

RE: support for different PIC32 than in demo

Posted by Richard on February 12, 2012
The kernel itself should run on any PIC32 part, although the application code may have to change slightly when moving between parts.

For example, if you look at the configuration bit settings in main() for the two projects you reference in your original post you will see the 795 part has an extra option (although I think that is no longer necessary with the latest parts/tools because it is defaulted to the required setting anyway now). Also, the interrupt behaviour is different between the two parts, which means the UART example on the 360 does not run on the 795 because how/where the interrupt is clears in the ISR itself has to change.


RE: support for different PIC32 than in demo

Posted by Maciek on February 12, 2012
Thanks for the response. I've looked through the examples and I can't see any part-specific, customized linker script files. Does it mean that I can safely use Microchip-supplied linker scripts with other PIC32 parts ?

Thanks for help

RE: support for different PIC32 than in demo

Posted by Richard on February 12, 2012
I use the Microchip supplied linker scripts, and don't recall changing anything in them


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