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V3.2.4 Port to EasyWeb2

Posted by aLUNZ on January 3, 2006
Just an announcement that ports of both FreeRTOS demo applications (the 'standard' demo and the uIP demo) to the MSP430F149 based EasyWeb2 board are in progress and are coming along nicely. The current state of play is:

- The standard demo application is pretty much there except that the queue demo behaves in strange ways (for values of 'strange' that includes killing the entire app).

- uIP has been successfully ported to V2.5.5. The port borrows heavily from the EW2 port developed by Paul Curtis of Rowley Associates Limited (see: http://www.rowley.co.uk/msp430/uip.htm).

In no particular order a few comments and queries:

1. When using msp430-gcc, rather than "#include <msp430x44x.h>" it is cleaner to use "#include <io.h>" in files (for e.g. in FreeRTOSConfig.h).

2. When building a .zip file to distribute a FreeRTOS port, what is the preferred approach between:
2.1 - Build a "stand alone" project directory with required FreeRTOS source files copied into the same directory as all other source files. With this approach the project does not require the FreeRTOS distribution to be installed separately, or
2.2 - Attempt to build a .zip file with the same directory structure as the FreeRTOS distribution, so the port .zip file can be unzipped on top of a FreeRTOS distribution. Or
2.3 - Something else (please provide details).

3. Does Version 3.x.x introduce some optimizations over v2.x.x? There is a task that reports the time taken to complete a lengthy process; under v2.x.x the reported time is ~200ms, for the same app under v3.x.x the reported time is ~130ms. The difference could be due to differences between the apps, but a quick scan indicates they should be identical.

4. Does version 3.x.x attempt to reclaim / reuse memory used by the main task stack?


RE: V3.2.4 Port to EasyWeb2

Posted by Richard on January 3, 2006
I look forward to seeing your demo.

In response to (2):

The preferred method is to stick to the distribution pattern of having -

FreeRTOS/Demo/abc for the demo app, and
FreeRTOS/Source/portable/XYZ for the port code.

This means you need ../../'s in the project file, but makes it much easier to drop your demo into updated versions of FreeRTOS at a later date.

With reference to (3)
There have been some optimisations. More will follow!

With reference to (4)
No. This was once a plan but not implemented as it was very port specific and difficult to keep portable.


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