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FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by steverino2 on January 13, 2014

Hi all, here is a problem running FreeRTOS on an STM32F4 Discovery target using IAR EWARM toolchain. I appreciate any ideas on how to fix it.

The project is for STM32F4 Discovery using FreeRTOS 6.1.0 / lwIP 1.3.2 It builds and runs OK on IAR EWARM 6.6.
But when I build the project with IAR EWARM 6.7 it hard faults in vTaskSwitchContext

I tried increasing heap size but did not help.
Could there be a vulnerability to the code generated by IAR EWARM 6.7 ?

I added a hard fault handler to output the register dump

[Hard fault handler] R0 = a5a5a5a5 R1 = a5a5a5a5 R2 = 20014dcc R3 = 200150e4 R12 = a5a5a5a5 LR [R14] = 080125e3 function call return address PC [R15] = 08011974 program counter PSR = a100000e BFAR = a5a5a5b1 CFSR = 00008200 HFSR = 40000000 DFSR = 0000000b AFSR = 00000000 SCB_SHCSR = 00000400

In the link map the fault is isolated somewhere in vTaskSwitchContext called from portasm.o

CODE ro code 0x080125c0 0x88 portasm.o [1]

vTaskIncrementTick 0x08011853 0xc2 Code Gb tasks.o [1] vTaskSwitchContext 0x08011915 0xe8 Code Gb tasks.o [1] vTaskPlaceOnEventList 0x080119ff 0x5e Code Gb tasks.o [1] noname 0x08011a5d 0x6c Code Gb tasks.o [1]

FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by edwards3 on January 13, 2014

But your FreeRTOS/lwIP project has not changed? Only the compiler version. I can't see anything in the release notes that looks like it could cause any issues. Have you tried with compiler optimization turned completely off?

FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by onramp123 on February 6, 2014

Hi, thanks for the recommendation. But we already tried turning off the optimizations. Its a little perplexing, but if the SW is not changed, only the IAR EWARM 6.6 to 6.7, could it be generated code differs like ARM/Thumb or whatever?

FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by rtel on February 6, 2014

I think I have probably used all the IAR versions produced in the last 10 years, and only once has anything needed to be changed to move from one version to another, and that was (I think) moving from 4.x to 5.x versions where the linker script format changed (and a few other things). In that case the code simply didn't build until you make the linker script changes. Actually, I think there was another time when C99 became the default, which changed the way inline was used - try setting the compiler option to use C89 instead of C99.

Other than that I'm not sure what to suggest. You could look at the map file produced by the two version to check the memory layout is the same. Also, look at the project options to see what is being referenced from the IAR installation directory (which has changed) rather than your project directory (which has not changed). Thinks like the linker script, and possibly macros that are executed by the debugger when it loads and runs your program will not be local to your project and may be the key to the difference.


FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by steverino2 on December 9, 2014

Hi, updating this issue with new information.

Starting with only LED task (in other words, blinky) I found the hard fault happens as result of an illegal pointer dereference in vTaskSwitchContext() using listGETOWNEROFNEXTENTRY() macro.

I wrote a function version of listGETOWNEROFNEXTENTRY() macro so I could breakpoint it, and found

( pxConstList )->pxIndex = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pxNext;

pxNext is 0xA5A5A5A5 and the the task list entry deferences a pointer value of 0xA5A5A5A5 that triggers hard fault.

I added a patch to validate the pointer, and print error if in-valid.

Now the system avoids hard fault and continues to run with this workaround but the scheduler is dis-functional. In a second test, I enable lwIP task (along with LED task), but IP ping doesn't work.

Again this is only the result of a change in IAR tools from 6.6 to 7.x

I downloaded FreeRTOS 8.1.2 and it looks like list.h MACRO has the same vulnerability.

FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by rtel on December 9, 2014

Starting with only LED task (in other words, blinky) I found the hard fault happens as result of an illegal pointer dereference in vTaskSwitchContext() using listGETOWNEROFNEXTENTRY() macro.

So you have one task, and that task is doing nothing other than blinking an LED, and you get this problem? Is that correct? If so it is highly unlikely, but not impossible, that this is a FreeRTOS issue, especially as there as been nearly two years since the previous conversation, and there have been several different versions of FreeRTOS in the mean time.

Is your system using any interrupts? Do you have configASSERT() defined to catch misconfigurations? Is your start up code and linker script correct? Do you have stack overflow detection turned on?

I wrote a function version of listGETOWNEROFNEXTENTRY() macro so I could breakpoint it, and found

( pxConstList )->pxIndex = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pxNext;

pxNext is 0xA5A5A5A5 and the the task list entry deferences a pointer value of 0xA5A5A5A5 that triggers hard fault.

This would indicate a stack problem as 0xa5 is the stack fill byte - if this value is getting into a pointer then somewhere the stack has become corrupt.

Are you using any code that is not generated by the compiler?

I added a patch to validate the pointer, and print error if in-valid.

Now the system avoids hard fault and continues to run with this workaround but the scheduler is dis-functional. In a second test, I enable lwIP task (along with LED task), but IP ping doesn't work.

Again this is only the result of a change in IAR tools from 6.6 to 7.x

Have you looked through the change history provided by IAR to see what the differences are - do they provide an upgrading guide? I use IAR regularly, as do lots of other people, and don't see any issue.

I downloaded FreeRTOS 8.1.2 and it looks like list.h MACRO has the same vulnerability.

Vulnerability? I think the system status when the macro is called is will be the root cause, not the macro, unless you know of a specific vulnerability that is not clear from your post.


FreeRTOS 6.1.0 fault on STM32F4 Discovery using IAR 6.7

Posted by steverino2 on December 11, 2014

I added stack overflow and assert checks, along with assert handler. configCHECKFORSTACK_OVERFLOW configASSERT

but didn't isolate it until I went back to the old IAR 6.6 project backup and reviewed project settings again side-by-side.

It turns out that IAR for some reason selected FPU VFPV4 when project was opened by IAR 7.3 Then the emitted code included something not supported by CM4. At least this is what I can surmise. So all bets are off at run time.

Select Project General Options, Target Tab, FPU None and problem solved.

Thanks for the many constructive ideas and help to find it.

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