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Flash Filesystem

Posted by jdabbs003 on July 4, 2009
I'm looking for a flash filesystem to use with a FreeRTOS project. Are there any particularly good fits? Please forgive the slightly off-topic post. I'm just interesed in knowing if there is any community standard amongst FreeRTOS developers.

RE: Flash Filesystem

Posted by incrediball on July 5, 2009
I personally don't think there are many good fits. They're usually expensive, oversized and offer features that are often not needed. For example I didn't need file names, extensions or directories. File IDs and type IDs were more than sufficient in my case. I also don't think systems like FAT work very well on flash because of the extremely long erase times (typically 1 second for a 64K sector), which means the system should avoid tables that require frequent changes. Because of these reasons I wound up writing my own but unfortunately it belongs to my employer so I cannot share it openly.

However one thing that does speak for a full blown FAT (or whatever) based file system is if you want to implement the USB mass storage class. Since that deals with reading and writing data on such a file system then your embedded system will have to be able to understand it as well (if it needs to access the data).

RE: Flash Filesystem

Posted by Prithwee on July 7, 2009
You can consider elm-chan's FatFs. This supports FAT12/16/32.

Configuration options are availble to customize your code.

Refer to the following link:



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