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Mecha-Godzilla SVN Checkouts/Updates - Sugg.

Posted by John W. on July 25, 2009
Hello Richard,

This is not a criticism - I couldn't fit that into the title - but can you possibly set up SVN to maybe have the options of checking out just the source vs. the demos?

I moved my SNV directory, and I ended up doing a new checkout - and it bombed on some zip file that was in the unsupported area - ... so - I was thinking - some of us probably don't want every single demo --- can you possibly break this up into different checkouts - when you have time?

It is just a suggestion - and not a criticism. I would say the above wouldn't have bombed CVS - but I won't say that... ;).

Thanks - and you are doing the planet a great service!
Best Regards,

RE: Mecha-Godzilla SVN Checkouts/Updates - Su

Posted by Richard on July 25, 2009
I think you can create a view that starts from a sub directory, so you don't have to have the view at the root. Something like svn//freertos.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/freertos/trunk/Source

I have just release V5.4.1, with only minor mods. I released this as I'm going to the Microchip Masters conference next week and wanted to fix a small issue with the PIC32 demo.


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