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difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Yuhui Lin on July 21, 2010
I'm a little confused about the different between taskENTER_CRITICAL and taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS.

I read the user manual, it said "they working by disabling interrupt......Pre-emptive switch can only occur from interrupt, so as long as interrupt remains disabled, the task called the taskENTER_CRITICAL can guaranteed to remain in running state ". From my understanding, both of them can result in disabled interrupt and context switch. Any tips?

RE: difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Dave on July 21, 2010
ENTER_CRITICAL() keeps a count of the call nesting and is the only one you should use really. It normally calls DISABLE_INTERRUPTS internally.

Some but not all ports can still context switch with interrupts disabled, but not from in a preemptive way because with interrupts being disabled they cannot be preempted.

RE: difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Yuhui Lin on July 21, 2010
thanks davedoors for your answer, but I am still not very clear. Is there any 'extra benefit' ENTER_CRITICAL could provides, besides disabled interrupt.

They seem to be the same to me. I can't tell the differences betweens them. Then I start wonder why do I need two different interface, if they share nearly the same features. I guess there should be something unknown to me.

RE: difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Richard Damon on July 21, 2010
The big difference is the ENTER/EXIT Critical takes into account nesting, Enable/Disable interrupt do not. Thus

/* Interrupts now disabled */
/* Interrupts still disabled */
/* unwound all the critical sections, so interrupt now enabled */

While with DISABLE you would get

/* Interrupts now disabled */

/* Interrupts now reenabled even though we disabled twice */

RE: difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Yuhui Lin on July 21, 2010
Aha~ thanks~ I got it now. That's the reason I saw push and pop assembly code in one of the porting file for ENTER_CRITICAL and EXIT_CRITICAL

RE: difference between taskENTER_CRITICAL and tas

Posted by Richard Damon on July 21, 2010
Critical sections should not be storing the "stacking" of them on the stack, but tend to use a counter.

Some ports may use push/pop to access a status/control register. One thing to note is that a critical section may not disable ALL interrupts, but may just disable those interrupts at a level which is allowed to interact with the kernel, and this is sometimes done by setting the current interrupt priority level in the hardware.

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