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Bug in IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h (and others)

Posted by Richard Damon on March 27, 2008
In the portmacro.h file for this port (and many others) is a line that reads

#define inline

This is bad, it converts inline functions to normal, which will likely lead to linker errors of multiply defined functions for any inline function defined in a header included in multiple files.

RE: Bug in IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h (and others)

Posted by Richard on March 27, 2008
The line is only included in ports that will not compile without it due to the inline keyword used in tasks.c. It is intended that the header file includes are in an order such that the kernel includes appear last and therefore only remove the inline from the kernel code.

The actual problem is the fact that the inline keyword is used inappropriately in the code at all. It inlines in some compilers but only when the compiler does not really do what it is supposed to do as the code being inlined is elsewhere in the build.

I should remove it altogether.


RE: Bug in IAR/STR91x/portmacro.h (and others)

Posted by Richard Damon on March 27, 2008
The inevitable problem with the "must be last" rule is that at some point you will have two things that both must be last (and this can happen just by having two headers that each must include the must be last header.

Sounds like removing the troubling inline is the way to go.

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