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LPC2148 and UART IRQ

Posted by Borut on March 18, 2008
Hello to all,

I have a question that might have very straight forward answer but I don't see it. I have a problem generating IRQ for UART0 THRE (transmit reg. empty). What I want to know is what is the correct procedure to install an IRQ within FreeRTOS - should i do it before scheduler is started or it doesn't matter and how to install the THRE interrupt, because i know that there is some special initialization proccedure required for LPC2000 UART to generate IRQ's for THRE. I used the LPC2106 Rowley port (I'm using Rowley) for serial APIs but i don't get any interrupts generated.

thank you all for your help.

Regards, Borut

RE: LPC2148 and UART IRQ

Posted by Dave on March 18, 2008
I presume you did not change the sample driver included in the FreeRTOS download? Are you also using the startup code from the FreeRTOS demo? You need to set the IRQ interrupts to vector directly to the handler.

RE: LPC2148 and UART IRQ

Posted by Borut on March 18, 2008
I did the project on my own and I will check again for differences against the demo app. But still what is the right way to go about installing a new IRQ? What are the specifics one must take care about when trying to have an IRQ? Only that you have a wrapper function and a handler function?



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