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Compiler errors in the queue.c file

Posted by keith soldavin on March 21, 2011
I am attempting to compile FreeRTOS 6.1.1 with IAR ARM compiler version 6.05 but I keep running into an error with a specific compiler option. I want to compile the code with the "Multi-file Compilation" option enabled but I always get errors in the queue.c file. An example of the errors I get is "declaration of function "xQueueTakeMutexRecursive" is incompatible with a declaration in another translation". I get roughly 15 errors in this file. If I remove the compiler option the code compiles perfectly and runs fine. Does anyone have any idea why these errors are coming up and how to avoid them?

Thank you

RE: Compiler errors in the queue.c file

Posted by Richard on March 21, 2011
I have never tried using that compiler options, so the following is just a guess:

The (deliberate) data hiding in the FreeRTOS kernel means that something like an xQueueHandle is a pointer to a structure inside the queue.c source file, but a pointer to a void * in all other files. It sounds like the compiler cannot cope with that when that particular option is used.


RE: Compiler errors in the queue.c file

Posted by Richard Damon on March 21, 2011
The problem is that the "Multi-file Compilation" option does not work with a mixed language project. The FreeRTOS kernel files must be compiled truly as C code, not C++ due to the way the data hiding is done (and a few other Cisms in the code, not surprising since it is C code).

You will either need to convert the code to be valid C++ code, which to start means changing the definition of handles from void * to being struct xxxx* (xxx depending on the given handle), which may kick up a few other errors, or you need to turn off the "Multi-file Compilation" option (this is what I did). You may also be able to change your project to compile FreeRTOS into a library module, and include that in your main project if you really need to use the Multi-file option.

RE: Compiler errors in the queue.c file

Posted by keith soldavin on March 21, 2011
Thank you for the input. The reason I wanted to try the multiple file option was to help the optimizer remove more unused code. I will try to compile the RTOS as a library without that option and then include it in my project.


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