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Porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438

Posted by Tony on March 2, 2011

I've started porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438 using CCS. The development platform is MSP-EXP430F5438. Note that I am not porting to the MSP430X. I've gathered what I thought were all the soruce files, and what I thought would be the required changes to the port.c file, but I still have problems during the compile phase.

Can someone supply the list of source files needed to build a new project? If anyone knows of the changes required to port to the MSP430F5438, I would very much appreciate it.

RE: Porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438

Posted by Richard on March 2, 2011
There is already an MSP430F5438 demo that uses IAR so you can get the required files from that. A CCS version will also be released very soon.


RE: Porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438

Posted by Tony on March 3, 2011
Yes, this is true, but it is the MSP430X version, not the standard MSP430F5438. I've looked at the IAR and CCS versions from Westmoreland Engineering, but those versions do not compile correctly, at least for me. I was using the latest version of the tools as well.

I will try to use the IAR version as a guide to create a baseline for a new project, but so far, I haven't had any luck.

RE: Porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438

Posted by MEdwards on March 4, 2011
As far as I can tell the MSP430F5438 has an MSP430X core. I doubt TI have two versions with the same part number that have two different cores. It looks like you can compile for a small memory model that will keep to using MSP430 instructions.

RE: Porting FreeRTOS to MSP430F5438

Posted by Tony on March 5, 2011

The MSP430X is not the same as a MSP430. It is a 20-bit extension of the MSP430. They are two separate parts. Similar, but different.

MSP430 = 16-bit address
MSP430X = 20-bit address

What I am trying to determine is how to port the MSP430X demo to MSP430. The MSP-EXP430F5438 board I have contains a MSP430F5438 (non-"A" version). So, the current demo, as-is, will not work on my demo board.

Any ideas?

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