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Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting with Semaphores

Posted by Chris on March 10, 2011

I have a quick question. As semaphores are implemented as queues, is there any reason why uxQueueMessagesWaiting() can't be used to determine is a semaphore is able to be given/taken without actually giving/taking it?


RE: Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting with Semaphores

Posted by Dave on March 10, 2011
That should work ok.

RE: Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting with Semaphores

Posted by Chris on March 14, 2011

Thanks for that. It compiles OK, but doesn't seem to do what I wanted it to do. Turns out what I really need to know is "has a task already given the semaphore", not "is the semaphore able to be given".

Thanks again,

Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting with Semaphores

Posted by joshua-pereyda on March 17, 2015

Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting to get a semaphore's count works as expected for me. Here is a demo excerpt:

// uxQueueMessagesWaiting Demo
int dummy_value = 3;
xQueueHandle demo_queue = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(int));

// Initial size is 0
if (demo_queue != NULL)
	unsigned int q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(demo_queue);
	// Output q_size here; should be 0

// Push 3 items
portBASE_TYPE xStatus;
xStatus = xQueueSendToBack(demo_queue, &dummy_value, 0);
xStatus = xQueueSendToBack(demo_queue, &dummy_value, 0);
xStatus = xQueueSendToBack(demo_queue, &dummy_value, 0);

// New size is 3
if (xStatus == pdPASS)
	unsigned int q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(demo_queue);
	// Output q_size here; should be 3

Which yields the expected output of 0 and 3.

From my tests, the number of tasks pending on a semaphore does not seem to impact the count.

Note: Using uxQueueMessagesWaiting with semaphores seems to be undocumented, unless I missed something.

Edit: I realized that my sample didn't actually use a Semaphore. The following sample verifies uxQueueMessagesWaiting for semaphores with both zero and non-zero init_count.

// semaphore queue size demo
SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore_handle1 = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(20, 0);
if (semaphore_handle1 != NULL)
    unsigned int q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(semaphore_handle1);
    // Output q_size here; should be 3


    q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(semaphore_handle1);
    // Output q_size here; should be 0

// semaphore queue size demo (with init_count > 0)
SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore_handle2 = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(20, 5);
if (semaphore_handle2 != NULL)
    unsigned int q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(semaphore_handle2);
    // Output q_size here; should be 5

    // Give 3

    q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(semaphore_handle2);
    // Output q_size here; should be 3

    // Take 4
    xSemaphoreTake(semaphore_handle2, portMAX_DELAY);
    xSemaphoreTake(semaphore_handle2, portMAX_DELAY);
    xSemaphoreTake(semaphore_handle2, portMAX_DELAY);
    xSemaphoreTake(semaphore_handle2, portMAX_DELAY);

    q_size = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(semaphore_handle2);
    // Output q_size here; should be 4


Semaphore Size (init_count == 0):0
After giving 3 times:3
Semaphore Size (init_count == 5):5
After giving 3 times:8
After taking 4 times:4

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