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Bit band feature in SRAM with freertos for SAM4E

Posted by thegracious on March 23, 2015

Hi everyone, I want to use the bit band bits as a flags in my project (paralelly with freertos). The reason is to reduce the memory size (in comparision to the global flags). But my problem is that i want to use the bit band reagion in SRAM, but the SRAM is also used for allocating the Tasks and the freertos does not recognize about the used bit band region. and thus these two region would be overlapped. This could lead to unexpected problems. How could I ovecome this problem?

I mean: are there any way to set the freertos to allocate the heap from a specific address (for example from 0x20000004 instead of the defaut 0x20000000)? because currently I could only config the size of the heap, not the begin or end of this heap.

+Changing the link scripts does not help for this case. I will try with heap5

Bit band feature in SRAM with freertos for SAM4E

Posted by rtel on March 23, 2015

Sorry - I don't understand what you are asking about FreeRTOS.

If you want to know how to use bit banding, please refer to the ARM documentation. If you want to know about how to configure the linker script for use with bit banding please refer to the compiler/toolchain's documentation.


Bit band feature in SRAM with freertos for SAM4E

Posted by thegracious on March 23, 2015

I mean: are there any way to set the freertos to allocate the heap from a specific address (for example from 0x20000004 instead of the defaut 0x20000000)? because currently I could only config the size of the heap, not the begin or end of this heap.

Bit band feature in SRAM with freertos for SAM4E

Posted by rtel on March 23, 2015

You can do that with heap_5.


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