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Only one of wwo queues working on Tiva TM4c123GXL

Posted by jordied on March 27, 2015

I have a task which is monitoring the status of two push buttons. Called SwitchTask:

        while(1) {
		// Poll the debounced state of the buttons.
		ui8CurButtonState = ButtonsPoll(0, 0);
		// Check if previous debounced state is equal to the current state.
		if(ui8CurButtonState != ui8PrevButtonState)
				ui8PrevButtonState = ui8CurButtonState;

				// Check to make sure the change in state is due to button press
				// and not due to button release.
				if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) != 0)
						if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) == LEFT_BUTTON)
								ui8Message = LEFT_BUTTON;
								ui8MessageToScreen = LEFT_BUTTON;
								// Guard UART from concurrent access.
								xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
								UARTprintf("Left Button is pressed.\n");
						else if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) == RIGHT_BUTTON)
								ui8Message = RIGHT_BUTTON;
								ui8MessageToScreen = RIGHT_BUTTON;
								// Guard UART from concurrent access.
								xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
								UARTprintf("Right Button is pressed.\n");

						// Pass the value of the button pressed to LEDTask.
						if(xQueueSend(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &ui8MessageToScreen, portMAX_DELAY) !=
								// Error. The queue should never be full. If so print the
								// error message on UART and wait for ever.
								UARTprintf("\nScreen Queue full. This should never happen.\n");

						if(xQueueSendToFront(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &ui8Message, portMAX_DELAY) !=
							// Error. The queue should never be full. If so print the
							// error message on UART and wait for ever.
							UARTprintf("LED Queue full. This should never happen.\n");


		// Wait for the required amount of time to check back.
		vTaskDelayUntil(&ui16LastTime, ui32SwitchDelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);

I haev tried xQueueSend, xQueueSendToFront and xQueueSendToBack. The Queues are initialized like this:

    g_pLEDQueue = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(uint8_t));
g_pScreenButtonQueue = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(uint8_t));

However only the Screen Task actually receives . They are called like this:

    if(xQueueReceive(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &i8MessageFromButton,10) == pdPASS) {
        // Does stuff

    if(xQueueReceive(g_pLEDQueue , &i8Message,10) == pdPASS) {
        // Does stuff

I have tired butting 0 and 10.

If I swap the order of the If statements for the send then it works. Any ideas?

Only one of wwo queues working on Tiva TM4c123GXL

Posted by davedoors on March 27, 2015

The code you posted never sends on the g_pLEDQueue queue.

Only one of wwo queues working on Tiva TM4c123GXL

Posted by jordied on March 28, 2015

Yes that is why. I feel so dumb

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