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simple Mutex code example example

Posted by blavo1 on March 13, 2015

In my design I have an mdi/mdio bus implementation that I'd like to incorporate the use of a mutex because the bus is used across a couple of different tasks. I've tried searching for a simple code example of how to use the API's but I haven't found anything.

I'm hoping someone can point me to an example that I can use as a reference for my application.

Thanks in advance

simple Mutex code example example

Posted by rtel on March 13, 2015

Mutexes are created using xSemaphoreCreateMutex(). The API documentation page for that function has a small example.

Mutexes are given and taken using xSemaphoreGive() and xSemaphoreTake() [except recursive mutexes]. The API documentation page for xSemaphoreTake() shows a code example of how to use a semaphore as a mutex.


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