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Feedback on v900rc1

Posted by ammaree on March 27, 2016

Hi Richard

Been running the for the last 2 weeks, so some feedback..

A: Under CCS 6.1.2 it compiled with a single error, complaining about the array of void in FreeRTOS.h.c line 926. Changed void to uint32_t and it worked perfectly.

B: The ability to initialise all tasks from the scheduler start is great, something I have had to do from the idle task with a flag...

C: Is there any way the timer and idle task names can be made configured from FreeRTOSConfig.h. For some specific reasons I use very short, 3 or 4 character, task names as part of a home made trace facility, hence would like to keep these 2 names short as well.

Otherwise, good stuff..


Feedback on v900rc1

Posted by rtel on March 27, 2016

Thanks for the feedback.

As getting test coverage was a little tricky we have since made some changes to simplify the static allocation functionality. As a heads up, the rc2 code has the following minor changes (this is currently undergoing long term test and will be made available in a zip if the tests have all passed):

  • The functions that create RTOS objects using static memory allocation have been simplified and will not revert to using dynamic allocation if a buffer is passed into a function as NULL.

  • Introduced the configSUPPORTDYNAMICALLOCATION configuration constant to allow a FreeRTOS application to be built without a heap even being being defined. The Win32 example located in the /FreeRTOS/demo/WIN32-MSVC-Static-Allocation-Only is provided as a reference that does not include a FreeRTOS heap. configSUPPORTDYNAMICALLOCATION defaults to 1 for backward compatibility.

configSUPPORTDYNAMICALLOCATION and configSUPPORTSTATICALLOCATION can both be set to 1 at the same time, but cannot both be set to 0 at the same time.

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