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Porting FreeRTOS for Jailhouse Cell to x86_64 environment

Posted by sean6016 on March 6, 2016


I'm trying to port the FreeRTOS cell for Jailhouse to x86_64 environment. (https://github.com/siemens/freertos-cell) Currently it can only be run on ARM systems.

Can anyone give me suggestion for what should be considered to achieve this goal?

As the document has mentioned, I should modify the serial interface access for x86 to construct a correct memory map, probably by creating a new file like this (https://github.com/siemens/freertos-cell/blob/master/jailhouse-configs/bananapi.c) for x86.

But what more should be done?

Best regards,


Porting FreeRTOS for Jailhouse Cell to x86_64 environment

Posted by rtel on March 7, 2016

Don't know much about Jailhouse, but if you are using FreeRTOS on a 64-bit part then ensure you are using the latest FreeRTOS version as some changes were made to run on the Cortex-A53 in 64-bit mode.

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