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Interniche & freertos.org?

Posted by M Beronius on October 15, 2008

Has someone used the nichelite stack for coldfire (or other arch) with freertos.org? Searh seams down at the moment, so I have eye-ball scanned the list 2 years back, but can't find much relevant stuff.

I'm trying to decide on a (free/open) tcp/ip stack that is thread aware/safe and I have used the full interniche stack in the past.


RE: Interniche & freertos.org?

Posted by MEdwards on October 16, 2008
If designed right it should be easy to use with any rtos. But why not use uIP or lwIP?

RE: Interniche & freertos.org?

Posted by M Beronius on October 16, 2008

I would like a thread safe socket-like stack, that are stable enough for tough environments. Typically I need maybe upto 20 simultainous active sessions, with a fairly good throughput at times.

I don't have any experience with uip or lwip, but I think uip is more targeted smaller controllers, and not thread aware? lwip, I suppose does thread and sockets, but I heard some people blaming some issues they where seeing on lwip. I would not be at all surprised if that was just their own inability to do 'good code', but as this is a commercial application, and I was thinking about a reducing the risk somewhat interniche came up as number one choice. (I know that interniche stack is not all green grass, but once up and running, it is quite solid imo).

Should I re-consider, in your opinion?

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