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need simple RTOS programs to test

Posted by Angel Eyes on October 20, 2008

Hi, I have ported FreeRTOS on Samsung 4510 processor and is able to run tasks on it . The next step would be to test the RTOS functionalities like semaphores , mailboxes mutexes etc. However the sample codes provided in the FreeRTOS download ( e.g.in ../../Demo/Common/Full or ../../Demo/Common/Minimal ) like semtest.c etc look a bit complicated as I am a beginner and do not have an extensive coding background, I am still learning .

Where could I get simpler program samples which describe the different RTOS functionalities ? Say a simple program which depicts the message queue or semaphore functionality which I could run and observe the output of ?

Please help.

RE: need simple RTOS programs to test

Posted by MEdwards on October 20, 2008
Just start with something very simple, like a few tasks that do nothing but flash an LED then delay for a fixed period. This is always the first thing I do.

RE: need simple RTOS programs to test

Posted by Angel Eyes on October 21, 2008
Yeah I have tried simple tasks and they are running fine , delays are running fine too . I am testing on a simulator actually utilising the UART to send out characters . Actually I need to get into a bit more complicated code now .

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