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Using lwIP for UDP, TCP

Posted by zealhero on October 6, 2014

I'm using FreeRTOS 8.1.2 and lwip 1.4.1 for CortexR5. I've used UDP, TCP communication well with lwip on my system without FreeRTOS. I'm trying to use UDP, TCP on FreeRTOS now. I made few files for connecting lwip with FreeRTOS like 'sysarch.c'. I reffered ARM7 example project in FreeRTOS demo. So it can work on the task used 'systhreadnew()'. But 'netconnsend()' for data sending by udp in the thread is not working.

It works in ISR using interrupt when there is no OS. I tried it same way and other ways in this system that use FreeRTOS. But It can't send a message, though I got a normal return value from 'netconn_send().

I don't know how it works on FreeRTOS. I've not understood communicatino procedure fully in FreeRTOS with lwip. Please give me a tip.

Best Regards, Wonjae

Using lwIP for UDP, TCP

Posted by rtel on October 6, 2014

An old reference FreeRTOS/lwIP integration can be found on the following link. Note the CLI code used by the project is not the same as the code eventually released as FreeRTOS+CLI: http://interactive.freertos.org/entries/20290712-FreeRTOS-Win32-project-with-lwIP-web-server


Using lwIP for UDP, TCP

Posted by zealhero on October 7, 2014

Is it make a sense to use ISR seperated from OS? I think that the rx or tx interrupt handler is needed for ethernet communication. but they are not related FreeRTOS.. Other things as semaphore or queues are connected to lwIP already. so I confused.. The ISRs are used in FreeRTOS project same with the project what doesn't have OS now.


Using lwIP for UDP, TCP

Posted by zealhero on October 14, 2014

Hello I'm still in the stuck.. I've understood what I asked. But there are some new questions. There are 2 threads in my system as tcpipthread(basic) and Socket UDP what it sends a simple message. I can check that they works well using the 'FreeRTOS+Trace'. But sending message is not working, but it is another problem(related TI chip) so skip this part. My question is that it goes to resetEntry(c_int00) when some message(e.g. ping) comes to my system. It goes to dataEntry if I resume it when it occured. I don't know how can I find the cause because it is appeared when I give some message to it. I was guessed that it is related to ISR, so I made a breakpoint at there and follow the codes. But it did go well. Please give me some tips for debugging this problem.

Best Regards, Wonjae.

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