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MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2)

Posted by gregd29 on September 30, 2015

I have an application that is using the MSP430X port which is running on an MSP430F5335. I am testing this application running on 4 different boards in our environmental chamber. I am seeing the application get stuck in an endless loop in the xTaskIncrementTick function. So far it has happened twice on the same board but not on the other three boards I am testing. This could be a hardware problem but I would like to have some feedback if anyone can think of software issues that could cause this problem.

I was able to connect my IAR IDE to the board using the "connect to running target" option. I see that the application is stuck in the xTaskIncrementTick function inside the "for( ;; )" loop. The pxDelayedTaskList shows that there is 1 item in the list. pxTCB is read from the pxDelaydTaskList ok. xConstTickCount is equal to xItemValue so uxListRemove( &( pxTCB->xGenericListItem ) ) is called. I would think that pxTCB->xGenericListItem.pvContainer would typically point to the pxDelayedTaskList in this case, but it is pointing to pxReadyTasksLists[4] so the uxListRemove removes it from the pxReadyTasksLists[4] and not the pxDelayedTaskList. pxTCB0>xEventListItem.pvContainer = NULL so removal from the event list was not required. Next, the code adds pxTCB back to pxReadyTasksLists[4] with the call to prvAddTaskToReadyList( pxTCB ). xSwitchRequired is then set to pdTRUE since the Priority of the task is >= the current task. Since pxTCB is not removed from pxDelayedTaskList, the same sequence just repeats forever. A break is never hit to get out of the loop with the conditions described.

Any ideas on how this condition may have been caused?

I have reviewed the code to see if I have mistakenlly used API calls without the "fromISR" suffix in any interrupt routines or calls with the "fromISR" suffix in standard code but I don't seen any.

I am using vTaskDelayUntil, xSemaphoreTake & xSemaphoreGive within tasks for synchronization and scheduling.
I am also using xSemaphoreGiveFromISR and portYIELDFROMISR within interrupt routines to trigger certain tasks to execute

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Greg Dunn

MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2)

Posted by bowerymarc on September 30, 2015

It’s only happening at temperature extremes?

Have you checked all the power management interrupts - under/over voltage on the MSP? Maybe you have one of those unhanded...

On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:45 PMEDT, gregd29 gregd29@users.sf.net wrote:

I have an application that is using the MSP430X port which is running on an MSP430F5335. I am testing this application running on 4 different boards in our environmental chamber. I am seeing the application get stuck in an endless loop in the xTaskIncrementTick function. So far it has happened twice on the same board but not on the other three boards I am testing. This could be a hardware problem but I would like to have some feedback if anyone can think of software issues that could cause this problem.

I was able to connect my IAR IDE to the board using the "connect to running target" option. I see that the application is stuck in the xTaskIncrementTick function inside the "for( ;; )" loop. The pxDelayedTaskList shows that there is 1 item in the list. pxTCB is read from the pxDelaydTaskList ok. xConstTickCount is equal to xItemValue so uxListRemove( &( pxTCB->xGenericListItem ) ) is called. I would think that pxTCB->xGenericListItem.pvContainer would typically point to the pxDelayedTaskList in this case, but it is pointing to pxReadyTasksLists[4] so the uxListRemove removes it from the pxReadyTasksLists[4] and not the pxDelayedTaskList. pxTCB0>xEventListItem.pvContainer = NULL so removal from the event list was not required. Next, the code adds pxTCB back to pxReadyTasksLists[4] with the call to prvAddTaskToReadyList( pxTCB ). xSwitchRequired is then set to pdTRUE since the Priority of the task is >= the current task. Since pxTCB is not removed from pxDelayedTaskList, the same sequence just repeats forever. A break is never hit to get out of the loop with the conditions described.

Any ideas on how this condition may have been caused? I have reviewed the code to see if I have mistakenlly used API calls without the "fromISR" suffix in any interrupt routines or calls with the "fromISR" suffix in standard code but I don't seen any. I am using vTaskDelayUntil, xSemaphoreTake & xSemaphoreGive within tasks for synchronization and scheduling. I am also using xSemaphoreGiveFromISR and portYIELDFROMISR within interrupt routines to trigger certain tasks to execute

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Greg Dunn

MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2) https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/discussion/382005/thread/1d196f43/?limit=25#4182 Sent from sourceforge.net because you indicated interest in https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/discussion/382005/ https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/discussion/382005/ To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit https://sourceforge.net/auth/subscriptions/ https://sourceforge.net/auth/subscriptions/

MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2)

Posted by gregd29 on September 30, 2015

I have reviewed all the interrupt handlers but don't see anything obvious that I would think should cause the problem. I have the same power supply powering up all the units under test and I am pretty certain that there has not been any over/under power events. The other three units have not shown the problem so far either.

MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2)

Posted by heinbali01 on October 1, 2015

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your detailed analysis.

So far it has happened twice on the same board but not on the other three boards I am testing

What are the differences between the boards?

pxDelayedTaskList contains a reference to a task, but that task is already linked in a one of the pxReadyTasksLists[] lists. That sounds like memory corruption. Have you checked that?

  • Stack overflows
  • Overwriting heap space
  • Overwriting arrays

I assume that you never changed the value of xTickCount ?

It sounds like a difficult issue, especially because it is hard to reproduce.

Have you already compiled the project with all possible warnings ( -Wall and many more )?

Systematic elimination: temporarily disable functions and see if the problem still occurs?

If your software is complex, is it possible to run parts of it (algorithms) in a IDE on laptop and have very strict (memory) checks?

What about the priority of interrupts? Can you make a list of all interrupts, their priorities and posible API-calls? Would it be possible to disallow nesting of interrupts, and see it that avoids the problem?

I'm sorry that I can only come up with these general recommendations :-)


MSP430X Application Stuck in Endless Loop Inside xTaskIncrementTick (FreeRTOS v8.2.2)

Posted by gregd29 on October 1, 2015

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond in such detail. As far as the four boards, they are all built the same. I don't know what would be different unless the MSP430F5335 on the one board has some performance issues at higher temperatures. The temperatures aren't even really that high, only around 160 F. I will inspect the board carefully to rule out manufacturing issues. If I can't repeat the problem on another board then it may very well be a hardware issue. I will keep testing to try and confirm. I need to enable the watchdog in the final production version to gaurd against this issue as well.

I am still in the process of reviewing for memory corruption issues. One thing that I have noticed is that only the Idle task and 2 of my 3 user tasks are showing up on the IAR FreeRTOS Task view plug in. That indicates that they may be some corruption issue. I am trying to figure out how the plug in actually determines the list of all the tasks. The TCB in memory looks to be ok as far as I can tell. I have not seen any thing else so far that seems to be corrupted.

Thanks for all of the other tips, I will finish my review with all of them in mind.

Thank You

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