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[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 26, 2015

Hi there,

[ FreeRTOS V8.2.1 ] [ PSoC Creator ] [ PSoC 5 ] [ CY8C5868AXI-LP035 ] [ GCC ARM CM3 port ]

I am facing weird problem with my Application on PSoC 5 based hardware. This application is based on FreeRTOS, and application contains 128×64 kind of monochromatic LCD (Graphical LCD), having controller like ks0107.

Please find my Project here (As I am new to this forum I don't know how to attach my project files so attaching zip file for PSoC Creator 3.2 workspace).

  1. Application program for CY8CKIT-050 here.
  2. Application program for our Hardware here (Only with different PIN usage)

The problem is that if we run this program with the PIN used for CY8CKIT-050 and program it in CY8CKIT-050, it runs smoothly and complete every task as desired with no problem at all. But if we only change the MCU PINs as used in our Hardware and program the Hardware MCU with same program, application runs to certain point and then hang. We tried debug mode and found out that after running for some time application goes to this point :

~~~~ CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) {

    * We must not get here. If we do, a serious problem occurs, so go
    * into an infinite loop.

} ~~~~

which is in Cm3Start.c. And at this point application stays in hanged state.

Here please note that this only happens if we used the same program in our Hardware. But if we use it in Kit (CY8CKIT-050), it runs completely fine without any fault.

We would like to also share that we have used FreeRTOS prior to this application, and we have successfully built applications with FreeRTOS.

Will you please check this files and see if we have made any mistake anywhere?

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by rtel on September 26, 2015

I would guess that the funciton you are ending up in is a default interrupt handler - that is - an interrupt handler that is assigned to every interrupt in the system when the system starts up. Any interrupts used by the application should replace the default with the application specific handler. Therefore it would seem simply that you are using an interrupt for which you have not installed a handler - perhaps because your own hardware is using different pins to the hardware for which the demo was written.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 26, 2015


In my above application I only use one Interrupt which is DMA cycle completion interrupt. That is not PIN Specific Interrupt, and for that I have also defined Handler following the method suggested in demo. appart from that no interrupt is used which can be PIN specific. Whatever PIN location changes in the transation are only GPIOs. In PSoC we usally can switch any PIN (mostly Digital GPIO) to any PIN. Any PIN used here is not configured for external hardware interrupt. I also may attach some snapshot of the call stack window in debug mode. If it may help to find out the problem.


Call%20Stack%201.jpg (159661 bytes)
Call%20Stack%202.jpg (163298 bytes)

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by rtel on September 27, 2015

Have you installed the interrupt handlers required by FreeRTOS - which are PendSV, SysTick and SVCCall?

See the "Special note to ARM Cortex-M" section of the section "1" in the FAQ question "The application I created compiles, but does not run".


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 27, 2015

FreeRTOS FAQ page you suggested was of the great help for every problem prior to this , but this time it doesnt helped me. I have gone through it once again after your suggestion. I am attaching various function screenshot if you can find any faults.

PS. This conversation is going on in parallel: http://www.cypress.com/forum/psoc-5-known-problems-and-solutions/freertos-lcd-128x64-my-application-program-running-fine

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 27, 2015

Hi I have posted this comment before but I dont know why it couldn't appeare here:

The [FreeRTOS FAQ page] you suggested was great help for all the problems prior to this one, I have gone through it may times and once again I have gone through that after your suggestion. I am attaching some screenshot here for if you could find if I have made any problem in Interrupt Handlers.

PS : This conversation is going on in parallel: http://www.cypress.com/forum/psoc-5-known-problems-and-solutions/freertos-lcd-128x64-my-application-program-running-fine

I will update solution to both the thread, if this problem get solved from either. Thanks for the help.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 29, 2015

Moderator please moderate my comments so others and the experts can see the message.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on September 29, 2015

Recently I also saw an unknown interrupt un some project, caught by a DefaultHandler.

What I did was to catch every undefined interrupt in a separate handler (it took some copy/pasting). Each handler would just exist of an infinite loop for( ;;)

In my case it turned out that I missed 2 essential defines in my 'FreeRTOSConfig.h' :

~~~~~ #define vPortSVCHandler SVCHandler #define xPortPendSVHandler PendSVHandler ~~~~~

In fact, vPortSVCHandler() and xPortPendSVHandler() were both defined in portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c, but depending on the platform and compilers, these function names get different actual names.

Like Richard already suggested, I would check especially the implementation of PendSV, SysTick and SVCCall.

And remember: cross-posting is not really appreciated. Please keep anyone updated.


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by rtel on September 29, 2015

I think on the Cortex-M the number of the currently executing interrupt can be read directly from one of the NVIC registers, but I can't remember which one.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 30, 2015


And remember: cross-posting is not really appreciated. Please keep anyone updated.

Sorry for my mistake. I will avoid it next time. But time is running so fast and nowadays if developer is not able to provide solutions, it hurt really badly in our part of world. But in any case I will keep your point in my mind. Thanks for that.

I actully don't get your point Hein, sorry for my slow learning capability, when you say:

In my case it turned out that I missed 2 essential defines in my 'FreeRTOSConfig.h' : Like Richard already suggested, I would check especially the implementation of PendSV, SysTick and SVCCall.

Are you trying to say that I need to create this functions by my own instead of using the one presented at *FreeRTOSSourceportableGCCARMCM3port.c * ?

If you are not trying to say that, than are you trying to say that I need to check if this function gets called properly or not? If yes than how may I check that?

I actually first call this vInitCortexHandle above all the task creation and scheduler starting.

~~~~ void vInitCortexHandle ( void ) { /* Initialize the OS vectors - make it ready to create the task, below */

/* Handler for Cortex Supervisor Call (SVC, formerly SWI) - address 11 */
    (cyisraddress)vPortSVCHandler );

/* Handler for Cortex PendSV Call - address 14 */
    (cyisraddress)xPortPendSVHandler );    

/* Handler for Cortex SYSTICK - address 15 */
    (cyisraddress)xPortSysTickHandler );

} ~~~~

and prior to that I define this

~~~~ /* Declarations of the exception handlers for FreeRTOS */ extern void xPortPendSVHandler(void); extern void xPortSysTickHandler(void); extern void vPortSVCHandler(void); ~~~~ Will you please help me by clarifying these two queries and provide me some example. Thank you.


I think on the Cortex-M the number of the currently executing interrupt can be read directly from one of the NVIC registers, but I can't remember which one.

Are you trying to say that we can find which interrupt cause the execution of default handler? Please elaborate on this; I think we can find the reason for the problem with this direction. But as we have never came across the problem like this one, we have never bother about NVIC registers and all that, so will you please guide me through this? Meanwhile I am also digging this as much on online references. Thanks for the help.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on September 30, 2015

Hi Dhruv,

Are you trying to say that I need to create this functions by my own instead of using the one presented at ARMCM3/port.c ?

No they're OK and they should be used.

What happened in my M4 port was the following: port.c defines two functions vPortSVCHandler() and xPortPendSVHandler(). These are the ISR's for resp. SVC_Handler and PendSV_Handler.

The actual names SVC_Handler and PendSV_Handler may vary between platforms and compilers. For that reason, these two defines are used:

~~~~~ #define vPortSVCHandler SVCHandler #define xPortPendSVHandler PendSVHandler ~~~~~

Are you trying to say that we can find which interrupt cause the execution of default handler?

Have a look at the IABR register(s) ( google "cortex m3 IABR" ) when it runs into the DefaulHandler again, it indicates which interrupts are active. I'm very curious which interrupt is triggered and not yet defined.


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by rtel on September 30, 2015


I think on the Cortex-M the number of the currently executing interrupt
can be read directly from one of the NVIC registers, but I can't
remember which one.

Are you trying to say that we can find which interrupt cause the execution of default handler? Please elaborate on this, I think we can find the resone problem with this direction. But as we have never came acrros the problem like this one, we have never bothor about NVIC registers and all that, so will you please guide me through this? Meanwhile I am also digging this as much on online referances. Thanks for the help.

The information you need is in the ARM Cortex-M technical documentation, I could look it up for you, or you could look it up yourself ;o)

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on September 30, 2015

Hi Hein, I just copied and pasted this into FreeRTOSConfig.h


define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler
define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler


Yet the same problem.

I am studying about IABR and NVIC registers to look forward for the solution. I will update soon.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on October 1, 2015

Hi Dhruv,

Patience can solve any problem :-)

I made some adaptations to a source file in your repository:


( I don't know which version must be adapted, the sources were equal )

Please find the attachment to this post: Cm3Start.zip


if I'm not mistaken, your PSoC5 has at most 48 interrupt sources.



I declared 48 separate handlers, each one will call vUnknownInterruptHandler() with a numeric parameter:

~~~~~ static volatile int iInterruptNumber = -1;

void vUnknownInterruptHandler( int iNumber )
    iInterruptNumber = iNumber;
    while( 1 )
        /* Stop here to inspect 'iInterruptNumber' in a debugger.
        Put a break here. */

CY_ISR( vHandler_0 ) { vUnknownInterruptHandler(  0 ); }
CY_ISR( vHandler_1 ) { vUnknownInterruptHandler(  1 ); }


By default, the above handlers will be used:

~~~~~ /* This source line will be temporarily replaced: */ - CyRamVectors[i] = (i < CYNUMROMVECTORS) ? RomVectors[i] : &IntDefaultHandler; + CyRamVectors[i] = (i < CYNUMROMVECTORS) ? RomVectors[i] : pxGetIntvector( i );


Do you understand the idea behind it? Could you try this out?



Cm3Start.zip (4987 bytes)

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 1, 2015

@rtel and @Hein,

Thanks for the help. I am determined to solve this problem.

I have gone through Architecture Technical Reference Manual and Register TRM for PSoC 5.

I have found that PSoC 5 generally support 32 external interrupt lines (+ 15 exceptions) and for each Ext Interrupt line it represents a bit position in following register.

  1. NVIC_SETENA0 : Interrupt Enable Set 0-31 : Address = 0xe000e100
  2. NVIC_CLRENA0 : Interrupt Enable Clear 0-31 : Address = 0xe000e180
  3. NVIC_SETPEND0 : Interrupt Pending Set 0-31 : Address = 0xe000e200
  4. NVIC_CLRPEND0 : Interrupt Pending Clear 0-31 : Address = 0xe000e280

Each one is four byte long.

In normal condition: Bit 0 is for my DMA interrupt, which executes accordingly fine and working when problem yet to come. But when the faulty loop stops the execution of the application values which are contained in the respected register is suspicious. I have attached a screenshot for that.

In that you may see that NVIC_SETPEND0 and NVIC_CLRPEND0 contain 0x40000000.

This means that External Interrupt number 30 caused the execution of the default interrupt handler, as I am not using this external Interrupt line in my application and I have not declared handler for that.

Now one important line I have encountered in Architecture TRM that says:

The pending register can also be written by software. When the software writes a 1 to the pending bit, it activates the interrupt.

I don't know how this bit is set.. but please keep reading.

Till now I have not used the suggestion given by @Hein.

As you have suggested the changes, @Hein,

It can’t be made in Cm3Start.c, as every time I build the application It changes to the default version. So In general I have called this changes hard way in the main function before doing anything else:


endif /* CYINTIRQBASE */

extern cyisraddress CyRamVectors[CYNUMVECTORS];

int main() { uint32 i;

for (i = 2u; i < CY_NUM_VECTORS; i++)
    CyRamVectors[i] = pxGetIntvector( i ); 

.... ....

} ~~~~

I have avoided using first two location of this vector table because:

  1. Initial Stack Pointer
  2. Reset

Now executing with this extra debug, I have found out that every time vHandler_3 is called, which is location for Hard Fault (Number 3 of the 15 exceptions supported by the PSoC 5 according to Architecture TRM). See attached picture. And what Manual has to say about this exeption:

The hard fault handler can be caused by: 1. Usage faults, bus faults, and memory management faults if their handler cannot be executed. 2. Bus faults during vector fetch (reading of a vector table during exception handling).

Now The reason for a particular fault is updated in the corresponding status register (for example, BFSR register for bus fault, MFSR for memory management fault, UFSR for Usage Fault, HFSR for Hard Fault).

I am digging more and more to this I will update you soon. Meanwhile if you have other IDEA please share.

Thank you again, To be continued...


Hard%20Fault.jpg (178095 bytes)
NVIC%20Reg.jpg (220573 bytes)

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 1, 2015

Finally found the cause of the problem.

NVICHARDFAULT_STATUS : Hard Fault Status Register : Address = 0xe000ed2c

This register has value 0x40000000, which means:

Hard Fault activated because a Configurable Fault was received and cannot activate because of priority or because the Configurable Fault is disabled. The Hard Fault handler then has to read the other fault status registers to determine cause.

NVICUSAGEFAULT_STATUS : Usage Fault Status Register : Address = 0xe000ed2a

This register has value 0x0001, which means:

UNDEFINSTR : The UNDEFINSTR flag is set when the processor attempts to execute an undefined instruction. This is an instruction that the processor cannot decode. The return PC points to the undefined instruction.

Now what this means? I cannot find the details about why this is happened and how to resolve. Please help me here.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by davedoors on October 1, 2015

Does this help? http://www.freertos.org/Debugging-Hard-Faults-On-Cortex-M-Microcontrollers.html

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 1, 2015

Hi Dave,

I just followed the link you provided to further debug. And defined and used the hard fault handler provided in that link.

This hard fault handler called successfully every time fault came up. And it calls the prvGetRegistersFromStack then I go to the location in my disassembly window which that PC register provided (as Guided in above link), it is every time the same location 0x0000270C.

I have attached a screen shot of that location. It is the function called,

~~~~ 0x000026FC str.w r2, [r3, #1d4] ; 0x1d4 0x00002700 bx lr 0x00002702 push {r4, lr} 0x00002704 ldr r3, [pc, #ac] ; (27b4 ) 0x00002706 movs r2, #0 0x00002708 str.w r2, [r3, #1d4] ; 0x1d4 0x0000270C ldr.w r2, [r3, #1ac] ; 0x1ac 0x00002710 ldr r2, [r2, #0] ~~~~

Here I can find in watch window that R2, R3 and some offset is used, but what I found suspicious is that R2 contains “0xFFFFFFFF” does that means something gone wrong here? I.e **R2 overflowed or something? **


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by rtel on October 1, 2015

Sorry if this has been asked before, but do you have configASSERT() defined in your application? Also please tell me which version of FreeRTOS you are using so I know if the asserts will catch mis-configured interrupt priorities.

Do you also have configCHECKFORSTACK_OVERFLOW set to 2?


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 2, 2015

Hi @rtel,

Yes I have defined configASSERT().

I have definied this in FreeRTOSConfig.h:

~~~~ extern void vAssertCalled ( char * u8FileName, int u8LineNum );

define configASSERT( x ) if( ( x ) == 0 ) vAssertCalled( FILE, LINE )


And in my c file I have defined vAssertCalled like this :

~~~~ void vAssertCalled ( char * u8FileName, int u8LineNum ) { /* The heap space has been execeeded. */ taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();

( void ) u8LineNum;

uint8 CYXDATA u8TempIndex0=0;

for(u8TempIndex0=0 ; u8TempIndex0<25 ; u8TempIndex0++)

	u8FaultFileName[u8TempIndex0]= u8FileName[u8TempIndex0];

while( 1 )
    /* Do nothing - this is a placeholder for a breakpoint */
	//LED_4_Write ( LED_4_Read () ^ 0x01 );


} ~~~~

I am using FreeRTOS V8.2.1. And In FreeRTOSConfig.h I have this:




Thank you.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 2, 2015

Hi there, As this prvGetRegistersFromStack had given successfully the copy of the last stack, Is there any way I can put this stack back to my system memory (i.e. manual pop) and then do the stack dump.

Of course, this isn't always helpful when you end up at the hard fault because of popping stuff off of a blown stack or stomping on stuff in memory. You generally tend to corrupt a bunch of the important registers, return back to some crazy spot in memory, and then execute whatever's there. You can end up hard faulting many thousands time.

But Is there any way I can go back to the problematic location and see what actually happening? I am thinking of comparing what is needed and what is available which generated this hard fault.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 2, 2015

Hi there,

But here what is mysterious for me is that now I have made some changes with my Kit CY8CKIT-050, and PIN usage for both the Kit and my Hardware is same now.

If I run the program in KIT, it never reaches to any exception handler or any default interrupt handler and program runs smoothly and do what is suppose to do. But if I Run this same program with my hardware, It always ends up in the Hard Fault Exception handler and from that it reaches to prvGetRegistersFromStack

One other thing is that If I make small changes in my application, ever time the location given by the registers from prvGetRegistersFromStack comes out to be different. So what is causing this problem?

I am also attaching whole workspace project for the PSoC Creator, if it may help someone, to design the exception handler.


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on October 2, 2015

Hi Dhruv,

I had a short look at your source code. It is all very up-to-date and I didn't see strange things.

You install a DMA interrupt:

~~~~~ GLCDDMAINTStartEx(vGLCDDMA_ISR); ~~~~~

before the tasks are created. Within the ISR's you do not test the validity of xGLCD_TaskHandle. But as you have configASSERT() defined, it can not cause an exception.

The hardware priority of the interrupt seems OK to me: it is the lowest interrupt (7 << 5) Where configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is higher (5 << 5) (numerical it is lower).

A note about masking interrupts:

~~~~~ CYISR(vGLCDDMAISR) { ... /* Mask off the other RTOS interrupts to interact with the queue. */ - ulMask = portSETINTERRUPTMASKFROMISR(); ... - portCLEARINTERRUPTMASKFROM_ISR( ulMask );


I wonder if the masking is really necessary? Could you leave-out the SET/CLEAR couple and test it?

But if I Run this same program with my hardware, It always ends up in the Hard Fault Exception handler Is your hardware well-tested? Do you add external memories? Are they OK?

ever time the location given by the registers from prvGetRegistersFromStack comes out to be different Isn't that normal, that functions always end-up in a different location after changing code?

A minor remark about your code: When you declare data which will never change, use the word "const":

~~~~~ - char text2[] = "Galaxy Electronics0"; + const char text2[] = "Galaxy Electronics"; ~~~~~

The addition of "0" in a string is not necessary, the compiler already does that for you.

~~~~~ -uint8 CYXDATA u8GLCDPages[24] =
+const uint8 CYXDATA u8GLCDPages[24] =
0x3F, // Turn on the display at 0, rest can be any (0x00) 0xB8, //SETPAGE 0
0x40, //SETADDRES 0
... ~~~~~

When declared as "const", this data doesn't occupy any space in RAM.


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on October 2, 2015


define vMonitorTaskStack ( 5 * configMINIMALSTACKSIZE )
define vGLCDTaskStack ( 1 * configMINIMALSTACKSIZE )
define vGLCDGEMainTaskStack ( 3 * configMINIMALSTACK_SIZE )


Although you do have configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW defined, when using a minimal stack size, it may happen that the application crashes before the stack check can even be done.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 2, 2015

Hi @Hein,

After your suggestion I have tested with this:

You install a DMA interrupt:


before the tasks are created.

This is done. I have called this after the Task Created.


GLCDUPDATEWrite(0); ~~~~

A note about masking interrupts:

~~~~ CYISR(vGLCDDMAISR) { ... /* Mask off the other RTOS interrupts to interact with the queue. */ - ulMask = portSETINTERRUPTMASKFROMISR(); ... - portCLEARINTERRUPTMASKFROM_ISR( ulMask ); ~~~~

I wonder if the masking is really necessary? Could you leave-out the SET/CLEAR couple and test it?

This is also done. Commented SET-CLEAR Couple

When you declare data which will never change, use the word "const":

~~~~ - char text2[] = "Galaxy Electronics0"; + const char text2[] = "Galaxy Electronics"; ~~~~

The addition of "0" in a string is not necessary, the compiler already does that for you.

This is also done.

~~~~ -uint8 CYXDATA u8GLCDPages[24] =
+const uint8 CYXDATA u8GLCDPages[24] =
0x3F, // Turn on the display at 0, rest can be any (0x00) 0xB8, //SETPAGE 0
0x40, //SETADDRES 0
... ~~~~

When declared as "const", this data doesn't occupy any space in RAM.

I tried this, but didn’t worked because I think u8GLCDPages is used in the some definition of the TDs of DMA, and it only accept the RAM location. So changed back to original and application is working again with hard fault occured.

But I think with KIT I was using the same code before your comments and application is running, and in Hardware it goes to Hard Fault Handler. I cann't understand why this is so?

Now for the stack comments:

In FreeRTOSConfig.h:


define configUSE_PREEMPTION 1
define configUSEIDLEHOOK 0
define configMAX_PRIORITIES ( 6 )
define configUSETICKHOOK 0
define configCPUCLOCKHZ ( ( unsigned long ) BCLKBUS_CLKHZ )
define configTICKRATEHZ ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 )
define configMINIMALSTACKSIZE ( ( unsigned short ) 100 )
define configTOTALHEAPSIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 32 * 1024 ) )
define configMAXTASKNAME_LEN ( 25 )
define configUSE16BIT_TICKS 0
define configIDLESHOULDYIELD 0
define configUSECOROUTINES 0
define configUSE_MUTEXES 1


And in TaskStack.h


define vMonitorTaskStack ( 5 * configMINIMALSTACKSIZE )
define vGLCDTaskStack ( 10 * configMINIMALSTACKSIZE )
define vGLCDGEMainTaskStack ( 5 * configMINIMALSTACK_SIZE )


But again same problem of going into hard fault handler, just the contains of the register from prvGetRegistersFromStack chaged. Thanks again.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on October 2, 2015

But I think with KIT I was using the same code before your comments and application is running, and in Hardware it goes to Hard Fault Handler. I can't understand why this is so?

Me neither :-( All I can suggest is to compare the 2 prints in detail (X-tal, memories) and to test everything (memory test, all connections) and hopefully you will find a difference that explains it.


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 3, 2015

Hi @Hein,

From the day 1, we have tested and checked this PIN and Crystal, and there was no problem. But after your suggestion, we again consider to recheck, and we were here at work for whole night (As here it was night in this part of world), we have tested for each PIN, and it was fine. After that we have made a new program from scratch for the Hardware, doing same work, but not using FreeRTOS just normal C program without OS, and it was running fine without any problem.

So we think that there is no problem at all for the PINs and XTAL in hardware at all.

We even tried to program the KIT with it (Non OS Program) and it was running fine with KIT also.

But even if there is some other way in your mind to check for the PINs-Crystal-Memory, please convey the idea, we will give it a try. We want to use FreeRTOS with this and we will do whatever it takes for fault less operation. Thanks again for your detailed help, you people are saving life.

[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by heinbali01 on October 4, 2015

Hi Dhruv,

If you want, send an email to h dot tibosch at freertos dot org The subject isn't interesting anymore for most users, and sending emails is a bit quicker than using a forum. If you find a solution you can still post it here :-)


[PSoC 5] [LCD 128x64] My Application Program is Running fine with CY8CKIT-050 but in my Hardware it hangs on CY_ISR(IntDefaultHandler) in file name "Cm3Start.c"

Posted by dhruvacharya on October 20, 2015

Hi there,

We have replaced the MCU with fresh chip, and application is running fine. So we concluded that there must be some problem in MCU. As of now we are going ahed with this.

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